Livestocks :
Animal ranking
Rankings of animal productions
Rearers ranking by genetic value
Ranking of the expert breeders according to their GenetiSim show results
Ranking of the novices breeders according to their GenetiSim show results
Ranking of the breeders according to their VIRBGen show results
Regional cooperatives :
Cooperative ranking by storage capacity
Cooperative ranking by financing
Cooperative ranking by purchases/sales
Dairy ranking
Other secondary activities :
Farmer rankings (conventional growing)
Farmer rankings (organic growing)
Market gardener rankings
Farm Work Firm (FWF) rankings
Transport contractor ranking per truck
Equipment dealers rankings
Mechanic workshop rankings
Artificial Insemination Centers rankings
Forestry Company (FC) rankings
Wine growing :
Winegrower rankings
Wine rankings
Ranking of the Winegrowers according to their VitiSim fair results
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