- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.BOUSCATIERRhône-Alpes40892 269 345.78 t.1 552
2.MECCOOL76710Haute-Normandie14221 890 992.64 t.2 846
3.BENY03Auvergne1252415 281.29 t.866
4.EDENJUJUFranche-Comté821377 214.19 t.581
5.RIPLEYMidi-Pyrénées8081 763 286.56 t.0
6.KEVIN52Champagne-Ardennes7961 562 145.12 t.35
7.KIKOUYOUChampagne-Ardennes748254 072.61 t.146
8.ANGEL52400Champagne-Ardennes722468 048.63 t.40
9.COUSLAINCentre673348 658.26 t.141
10.CHEZ LULUChampagne-Ardennes656520 270.27 t.155
11.VALENTIN_BBTChampagne-Ardennes526372 639.28 t.391
12.GAEC DES PLATEAUXChampagne-Ardennes475398 067.56 t.38
13.ELENA18Centre4401 160 032.88 t.0
14.FLODU81Midi-Pyrénées439969 070.95 t.7
15.JP_40110Centre398367 240.44 t.106
16.JOJOVACHEMidi-Pyrénées38642 363.37 t.761
17.BOYS76710Haute-Normandie358339 713.66 t.60
18.LOUIS30Nord346518 505.02 t.51
19.BILLBENTPicardie339441 789.44 t.113
20.DAYFEUCHAuvergne2743 925.00 t.729
21.EARL DE COMBERNONPicardie2330.00 t.330
22.DRUSSBourgogne22569 297.88 t.268
23.REM412Nord176132 240.55 t.131
24.FLO LE TRANSPORTEUR 24Aquitaine164343 411.32 t.0
25.CHACHOU76Haute-Normandie160319 144.86 t.0

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