- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.BOUSCATIERRhône-Alpes51153 916 584.69 t.1 955
2.MECCOOL76710Haute-Normandie18582 385 651.63 t.654
3.BENY03Auvergne1281394 054.06 t.784
4.EDENJUJUFranche-Comté1127494 457.55 t.3 818
5.RIPLEYMidi-Pyrénées9441 884 912.50 t.0
6.JOJOVACHEMidi-Pyrénées84531 105.14 t.2 222
7.KEVIN52Champagne-Ardennes6171 559 204.87 t.19
8.KIKOUYOUChampagne-Ardennes611363 358.21 t.139
9.VALENTIN_BBTChampagne-Ardennes541236 511.22 t.68
10.COUSLAINCentre512442 292.81 t.205
11.CHEZ LULUChampagne-Ardennes496299 172.89 t.103
12.MELINEAUBEChampagne-Ardennes429310 495.43 t.47
13.ANGEL52400Champagne-Ardennes416243 999.24 t.100
14.GAEC DES PLATEAUXChampagne-Ardennes410264 395.33 t.34
15.LOUIS30Nord317229 519.35 t.50
16.FLODU81Midi-Pyrénées3061 012 167.89 t.3
17.JP_40110Centre298229 444.06 t.27
18.BILLBENTPicardie228181 630.28 t.39
19.BOYS76710Haute-Normandie221345 744.51 t.94
20.KOUBIAKMidi-Pyrénées216206 270.19 t.0
21.DAYFEUCHAuvergne2093 230.50 t.509
22.ELENA18Centre184552 451.49 t.0
23.JESILIENAquitaine155253 533.96 t.37
24.CHACHOU76Haute-Normandie151359 310.42 t.0
25.DRUSSBourgogne14526 822.40 t.135

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