- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.ADLER L622PICARDIE76273 458 989.002 653 421.00
2.WILBURBASSE-NORM...71647 874 110.003 401 818.10
3.MASSEY81MIDI-PYRÉN...68964 738 218.002 315 828.00
4.FENDT 415CHAMPAGNE-...50414 881 337.00524 707.50
5.EARL ENOUFBASSE-NORM...4779 761 375.00673 326.25
6.LUSSERAYENPOITOU-CHA...43813 417 423.00539 760.00
7.POLOIALSACE42338 995 142.001 392 580.40
8.AGRISANTERREPICARDIE41528 377 808.001 431 053.30
9.JOJOVACHEMIDI-PYRÉN...36516 990 929.00930 861.50
10.MF690CHAMPAGNE-...35512 919 050.00864 993.50
11.ROMAINDU70FRANCHE-CO...30029 869 461.001 052 308.50
12.AURELIE20CENTRE27620 551 950.001 436 476.50
13.ARTEMZACHAMPAGNE-...2716 064 161.00219 948.00
14.FORD8600ALSACE26912 340 075.00446 440.00
15.FENDT1504HAUTE-NORM...2536 028 080.00218 444.25
16.TRACTEUR C...POITOU-CHA...24426 441 801.00953 237.50
17.GAEC DES P...CHAMPAGNE-...24122 384 639.00906 339.00
18.*956 XLHAUTE-NORM...23822 676 013.00822 411.95
19.DEWARAHAUTE-NORM...21418 612 746.001 457 129.00
20.NANCY76HAUTE-NORM...2116 589 824.00238 629.50
21.BASTOUNNORD1912 439 346.00290 813.50
22.BESTSANDROUHAUTE-NORM...16511 283 229.00420 512.70
23.AGRINICOCENTRE16418 872 198.00683 323.00
24.JUETVI64AQUITAINE16118 151 064.001 257 149.00
25.GAYAUXCENTRE16011 029 275.00396 930.70

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