- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.ADLER L622PICARDIE80860 547 171.002 179 477.00
2.WILBURBASSE-NORM...71542 061 880.002 992 423.10
3.FENDT 415CHAMPAGNE-...61228 489 116.001 017 521.50
4.MASSEY81MIDI-PYRÉN...59958 607 235.002 096 223.00
5.EARL ENOUFBASSE-NORM...4549 316 975.00642 506.25
6.LUSSERAYENPOITOU-CHA...43313 197 625.00534 327.00
7.AGRISANTERREPICARDIE38927 644 227.001 366 412.30
8.JOJOVACHEMIDI-PYRÉN...36916 656 719.00896 483.50
9.MF690CHAMPAGNE-...35913 960 800.00937 356.00
10.POLOIALSACE33134 521 697.001 249 294.70
11.ROMAINDU70FRANCHE-CO...32734 286 272.001 212 247.00
12.ARTEMZACHAMPAGNE-...2817 129 183.00258 575.50
13.FORD8600ALSACE26812 243 060.00442 455.00
14.EARL DU PO...PICARDIE25540 031 579.001 418 205.00
15.GAEC DES P...CHAMPAGNE-...25424 857 240.00995 894.50
16.FENDT1504HAUTE-NORM...2465 790 353.00209 822.75
17.NANCY76HAUTE-NORM...2437 255 674.00262 779.50
18.*956 XLHAUTE-NORM...22521 970 788.00796 236.95
19.AURELIE20CENTRE22315 185 700.001 060 839.00
20.TRACTEUR C...POITOU-CHA...21023 931 505.00865 255.25
21.OLIVE71MIDI-PYRÉN...19310 541 729.00491 684.00
22.DEWARAHAUTE-NORM...19116 762 563.001 294 896.00
23.BESTSANDROUHAUTE-NORM...17511 817 067.00439 670.00
24.EARL 7930POITOU-CHA...1696 698 734.00240 758.30
25.JUETVI64AQUITAINE16618 871 350.001 293 885.00

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