- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.MASSEY81Midi-Pyrénées40482 316 296.16 t.829
2.ARTEMZAChampagne-Ardennes1558367 419.73 t.281
3.VALDU59Nord14411 147 027.95 t.15
4.AURELIE20Centre14211 412 643.73 t.658
5.BENILE FOUPoitou-Charentes13661 291 712.59 t.124
6.VALETDETREFLEAquitaine1115618 541.42 t.45
7.ETA DE LA GOHELLENord10621 300 539.37 t.113
8.CLEM94Picardie10061 109 906.49 t.129
9.OLIVE71Midi-Pyrénées8461 975 598.92 t.196
10.DEWARAHaute-Normandie8402 617 809.04 t.562
11.WILBURBasse-Normandie808764 753.14 t.640
12.CHARLESGPoitou-Charentes79879 714.74 t.0
13.GX076Haute-Normandie735440 547.91 t.0
14.STUMBI67Alsace700619 273.25 t.168
15.BFRED73Rhône-Alpes658377 965.71 t.0
16.RNAUDCentre536392 873.57 t.0
17.ROMAINDU70Franche-Comté516827 600.81 t.179
18.ROMAIN54450Champagne-Ardennes482381 683.42 t.101
19.SAXONBretagne477380 447.96 t.80
20.MONDOMChampagne-Ardennes471302 282.11 t.201
21.CHARLESChampagne-Ardennes438492 612.83 t.90
22.MOI51Champagne-Ardennes407448 899.97 t.92
23.FAILLOUBFranche-Comté401371 279.78 t.121
24.NONOZE14Aquitaine390161 684.05 t.72
25.GREG76760Haute-Normandie382338 149.69 t.0

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To build an industrial cheese dairy you first have to get a building permit.